Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I want YOU.... to keep selling POPCORN!

With our Show and Sell booths winding to a close soon, we wanted to make sure you know that TAKE ORDER is really where it's at!  

Until you're involved in the trenches of running an organization, you don't realize the importance of fundraisers and let me tell you -- POPCORN FUNDS SCOUTING!  

The more we sell, the more we cover.  The more we cover, the less you pay.  The more we sell, the better the chances are that we can lower dues too!  

Take Order sales are an investment in our Pack.  They teach Scouts to communicate and provides an opportunity to develop and enhance social skills.  While we can simply write a check to cover costs, remember that we are trying to teach these boys not only that a Scout is Thrifty but that they also should contribute to helping pay their way through this program.  

Give them the chance TO be vested by picking a couple of weekends to canvas your neighborhood streets and allow them the opportunity to sell door to door!  You are teaching them valuable life skills too!  Here is a great article on the Top 5 Reasons To Sell Cub Scout Popcorn.

(Plus, face it, we have some cool incentive prizes!)

Our GOALS with popcorn sales are:
  • to have this be our ONE AND ONLY FUNDRAISER each year
  • to reduce the costs to our parents for participation in program activities
  • to teach boys that they need to help fund their program

We need everyone's participation to make this our most successful year yet, so please don't leave that order sheet sitting on the counter!  We have extras, too, if you need more!  

Don't forget you can set up a Trail's End account to allow your son to sell online to family and friends not in your neighborhood. Who doesn't want to help support Scouting?  Items will be shipped directly to them!  Click HERE for that information. 

More information has been posted on popcorn sales HERE, and HERE and HERE

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


If you or your son are new to Cub Scouts, you may notice at some pack meetings or events, that some scouts are sporting red vests with many different kinds of patches attached. Another fun perk of Cub Scouts is getting to collect colorful activity patches for many of the activities they take part in.  For instance, when they turn in their take-order popcorn sales sheet, they earn a patch.  When you go to most special events -- they earn a patch! Just for joining Pack 1910, we provide boys with their FIRST patch -- a circular Pack 1910 patch to start their collection.  

(Please note, the circular patch pictured above does NOT go on the official uniform. The official Uniform Insignia Guide designating what can be affixed to the actual uniform can be found HERE or just ask one of the leaders!)

The question most parents have is -- what in the world do we DO with all these things?  To that I say, you have options!

The easiest option is to just collect them in a box (but what fun is THAT!) or you could let you Scout pin them on a bulletin board. The downside of that is that they may get lost and the segments are small so it does require dedication to keep up with (and a LOT of pins)... oh, and pins can fall out or be knocked off so if you step on a pin, it's going to HURT! So, be sure your scout knows first aid!

I think the BEST way is to display these is on a red vest also called a "brag vest".  These can be purchased at the Scout Shop, online at ScoutStuff or you can use THIS PATTERN to make your own.  There is another online company called www.PatchVest.com that has free shipping and charges $10 per red vest.  Since these aren't official BSA uniform components, you can get them anywhere you want!


Another option is a blanket.  This is a way that you can carry the patch collection display into Boy Scouts as well if you like.

Please know that the red brag vest is
not a required component of the official BSA uniform, but you gotta admit -- they look really cool -- especially when they are full of Scouting adventures!  That's why we call them a brag vest!  The boys get to show off and brag about all their experiences!

To note -- most patches do not have an iron-on adhesive backing so sewing is the preferred method of attachment.  If you're not one who likes to sew, most dry cleaners have a seamstress that will do this for a nominal fee of $1-2 per patch for the large ones. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Parent Information Guide

The new Pack 1910 Parent Information Guide is available now by clicking {HERE} or by clicking on the link located under the list of Scouting Links on the menu to the left.  This is an excellent resource for new and returning parents.  We encourage you to download your copy today!

We welcome and encourage all new families to come to the Pack Meetings (especially the first one, September 12) because we will be covering a great deal of this information and answering questions at each one! 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Calling All 4th Graders!

The Department of the Interior has a program exclusively for 4th graders called Every Kid In A Park. Why only 4th graders? Because research shows that kids ages 9 to 11 are beginning to learn about the world around them. They’re open to new ideas, and they are likely to connect to nature and our history.  Think about how our 4th grade Scouting program starts them really working on self sufficiency and a partnership with nature, the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace.  It's the perfect age!

No matter where you are in the US, you're within two hours of a participating park! How cool is THAT?! Visiting public lands is healthy and fun. Learn about your heritage, and connect with nature. 

Ready to check it out?  Click HERE

Make Popcorn Sales POP!

It's that time of year again!  

We hope this to have this be our ONE AND ONLY fundraiser for the year, but in order to make that happen, we need EVERYONE's help!  So what can you do help?  By doing what Scouts do best --- giving 110%  

Leader Video

We will have the trifecta of programs this year:
  1. Show & Sell booths set up at storefronts throughout our community each weekend where we can make direct sales with the total sales being split evenly between the two Scout volunteers with those amounts going toward their final total;
  2. Online Sales so that you can reach friends and family that are not in our community which will also count toward your Scout's final total; and 
  3. Mobile app via PayPal Here that will enable you to take credit/debit card payments directly from your mobile device during our Take Order campaign that begins September 1.

A way to make this your Scout's best year ever is to consider the following:

Go where the people are

Going door to door in your neighborhood or your grandparent's neighborhoods around town is the easiest way to make sales. Saturday and Sunday, we have booths reserved where the majority of the families seem to go – the stores!  This is why we are present at Show & Sell. Both of these just make lots of sense to start planning your sales strategy.

Don’t scare easily – be confident in your case

Face it -- these boys in uniform are ADORABLE!  Don't let a simple "No" discourage them. Be sure they are greeting passers by with a friendly, “Hi there!" followed by, "Would you like to buy some amazing Cub Scout Popcorn?” And make sure our Scouts approach every passerby with the same blind enthusiasm – never fearful of defeat or judgment. Confidence is key – especially at first - definitely with Show & Sell.  Once they make their first sale with take order, it's ON!

Have plan B ready

“Sorry bud, I’m in a big hurry,” is something they'll hear at Show & Sell. Let them reply with, “That’s o.k.! Think about it and we’ll see you on your way out, thanks!” Have them watch their tone after being denied and let it be as happy (or even happier) than before. If someone isn't interested in popcorn for themselves at Take Order door-to-door sales, remind them that they can make a donation and Trail's End will send popcorn to our soldiers on their behalf. 

Have a great product

We aren't just selling popcorn, we are selling SCOUTING!  Over 70% of what we sell goes BACK INTO SCOUTING!  The popcorn is great, but our customers are really investing in THESE LITTLE GUYS MAKING THE SALE!  

Follow up when you say you will

If your Scouts greet people at the Show & Sell and tell them they'll check back as they leave, remember that and be enthusiastic as they depart.  Know your delivery dates for take order.  Have him make thank you notes to attach to his orders for delivery.  

Be yourself

Let these kids get excited about their sales!  High-five each other when they make one, not only because they're building their final sales total for prize incentives, but because they're doing their part to pay their way!  Have your Scouts tell those who purchase popcorn from them, "You are GOING TO LOVE THIS!" and make it convincing!  It really IS good stuff!  

Thank people better

When your scout makes a sale, have them TELL PEOPLE what it's helping accomplish. "Thank you so much, this is going to help me get my own compass."  "Thank you, we are hoping our sales pay for our entire November campout!"  Give them a reason to feel good about giving money to Scouting -- they are funding the experience for these boys! 

Have fun & be funny

Engage with your customers!  Humor lightens the room, builds trust and relaxes people.

Test and retest

Learning how to respond to different people with the same positive attitude teaches all kinds of amazing skills they can use later in life -- be it market testing and implementing on the fly. You don’t have to be mailing millions of pieces of direct mail to use ‘test packages’. Gauge what resonates best and hone your key marketing messages as you go.

Exclusivity works

Let the boys use their dwindling product supplies at Show & Sell as incentive... “only 2 boxes of Unbelievable Butter microwave popcorn left!!!!” Stated simply, if you want people to want something -- just tell them they can’t have it. This really is one of the oldest marketing tactics. Why do you think QVC has a ticker showing the clock wind down or the ‘units available’ sell out? Same with giving. Whether it’s exclusive giving circles, parties for levels or the CEO’s monthly email to the planned giving council – create something they can’t have, then give it to them.

Use what you’ve got

It’s easy for organizations and staff to get caught up in what we don’t have. An “if only” mindset can slow progress and quell energy. Instead use the Strengths Finder approach, turn ‘good’ into ‘great’ and forget about the rest. Our strengths are an awesome Pack, enthusiastic boys, dedicated leaders and the hopes that we can fund our entire year without fees, costs or a burden to our families so that they can enjoy EVERYTHING about Scouting without a price tag.  THAT is what the program should be about!  


Adapted from an article here.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Pack 1910 T-Shirts

Here is the awesome new design for the Pack 1910 t-shirts! We are now ready to order. These will be available at the October Pack meeting.  

Please use THIS LINK to place your order.  You may pay cash/check at time of pick up in October or pay via PayPal from our Payments Page


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Scouting is a BLAST... literally!

Please make plans to join us Sunday, October 1 at 2:30 pm for Pack 1910's Annual Rocket Launch. Weather permitting, we will be meeting in the Keller Sports Park's westernmost soccer field parking lot. 

We will discuss logistics more at the September Pack Meeting but wanted to give you as much notice as we can to get this on your radar!

Our MC and host for the event, DARS (Dallas Area Rocket Society), has suggested that the only rockets we use should be those requiring a 1/4A, 1/2A and A motors (B at most) with streamers / not parachutes. These won't go quite as high, but we also shouldn't lose as many!

For the rocket launch you will need to bring your fully assembled rocket, motors, pins and wadding. DARS will provide the launch pads and electrical igniter. You do NOT need to bring a launch rod or blast shield. If one comes with your kit, just leave it at home.

I have taken the liberty to contact Estes and they suggested something similar to either a Wizard or a Firestreak SST for launching. The major difference is that with the Wizard, the boys will have to measure, mark and glue the parts together to assemble the rocket and the Firestreak is molded from plastic and simply snaps together (requires no gluing). 

The Wizard is and here is a copy of what you get in your kit:

The Firestreak and its kit's contents:

Rocketry may be new to your family and seem somewhat impossible... please don't be intimidated because it is a LOT OF FUN! Hobby Lobby sells rocket kits and you can use an app or download a 40% off coupon as well. The kits come in a variety of levels of difficulty to assemble. Some are "RTF" (Ready To Fly), "ARF" (Almost Ready to FLY), "E2X" (Easy to Assemble) and so on.

Here is a little diagram that will help identify what all the parts are for if you're not familiar with model rockets.

Also to note, when we speak of "motors" or "engines," we are talking about these guys (pictured right). Packaged, these engines come complete with an igniter and pin for each. So, don't lose the little plastic pieces or the two pronged igniter. Please be sure to PURCHASE THEM as kits do not include engines since many rockets can be launched by several different engine sizes. Approved Estes engines for our launch are are A8-3, B6-2. If you want to buy Quest engines, we have a list of those as well. Please note, however, that the C size engines are beyond what the Fire Marshal wants us to utilize so stick with B and smaller.

Pictured right is the "recovery wadding." 
You will also need this for any repeat launches.

I warn you, however, rocketry can be quite exhilarating! Bring those cameras....and visit the DARS website for more information on their next public launch. They have some launches where they shoot off the BIG DOGS! It's definitely an amazing sight to behold.

As with all Pack events, this is open to siblings. So if brothers / sisters want to launch, they can bring their own rockets, too!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Popcorn Selling Tips

While we want full participation from every Scout, we want to make sure that we are reminding them not only of what they should be doing to make sales, but also what they should be doing to STAY SAFE!

  • ALWAYS wear your uniform
  • ALWAYS smile and introduce yourself
  • ALWAYS tell your customers why you are selling popcorn
  • KNOW the different kinds of popcorn you are selling
  • ALWAYS say "Thank You"
  • ALWAYS make a copy of your order form
  • ALWAYS have a pen

  • NEVER enter anyone's home
  • NEVER sell after dark unless you are with an adult
  • DON'T carry large amounts of cash with you
  • ALWAYS walk on the sidewalk and driveway
  • ALWAYS sell with another scout or with an adult

Have your Cub practice what he's going to say.  Write it on little cue cards.  Let him stand in front of a mirror.  Rehearse with him.  Ask him questions he might get so that he knows how to respond.

Hi, my name is ___________, and I am a Cub Scout with Pack 1910. I'm selling popcorn to raise money for the things I like to do in Scouting like ______________. This popcorn is DEEEEEEEEElicious and there are many different kinds to choose from. Will you please help support me in Scouting? 

(Always be sure they say "Thank You" when you are done whether they make the sale or not.)

Monday, September 11, 2017

Pack Meeting TOMORROW!

Welcome new and old members of Pack 1910! 
 Join us for our September Pack Meeting to kick off the 2017-2018 Scouting year.

WHO: Boys in Kindergarten – 5th graders and their families
WHEN: Tuesday, September 12at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: United Methodist Church of Keller’s Family Life Center, 1025 Johnson Road

Come to our opening pack meeting for the 2017-18 program year! Held at United Methodist Church of Keller’s Family Life Center (commonly referred to as the “FLC”) located at 1025 Johnson Road, Keller. You won’t want to miss this!

In addition to our fundraising kick off, we will also play fun game and sing a silly song or two!

Plus, we will be handing out our annual calendar, taking registration for upcoming events, collecting paperwork and health forms, passing out summer awards!  It's going to be a whirlwind of a night.

This is a great night, too, to attend if you weren't able to attend our Raingutter Regatta to sign up.

Leaders will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about Cub Scouts and Pack 1910, specifically, and we are setting aside time just for that.

We can’t wait to see you there and to help you get started on your Scouting journey with Pack 1910!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lion & Tiger Adventure Day


Calling all Lion and Tiger Scouts! 

This day is JUST FOR YOU!

Cub Scout Adventures only geared for Lion and Tiger Scouts and their parents will be held Saturday, September 30, 2017 at Bob Eden Park, 901 W. Mid Cities Blvd., Euless, TX 76039 at the baseball fields.

Come join with Lions and Tigers from across the Longhorn Council for a day of outdoor adventure. This is a wonderful activity for our entire Lion and Tiger Dens or even just a Cub Scout and his parent. There will be BB guns, Archery, Climbing, games, crafts, and opportunities to earn requirements, so come join the fun and ROAR with the rest of the big cats!

The adventure begins at 1:00 pm and continues until 5:00 pm. Bring an afternoon snack, a water bottle, and comfortable shoes!!

Early Registration Fee: $14, if paid by Wed. Sept. 27
Full Registration Fee: $19, if paid thereafter

**please note this fee is only for Scouts... parents are not charged

Fee includes all activity supplies, patches, and insurance. This is a rain or shine event! In the case of inclement weather, some activities may be modified or adapted for safety and/or practicality.

Be sure you RSVP on Scoutbook so we know who to expect. Your den leaders will submit one registration page per den (Lion / Tiger) to Council. However, if you would like to print out a form you can find them here.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Boy's Life Magazine

One of the items available to Scouts that some Packs consider optional is the Boy's Life Magazine. Our Pack feels so strongly about the benefit from this publication that we include a subscription for every single Cub Scout with their membership fees. 

The official magazine of The Boy Scouts of America, Boy's Life Magazine also has an awesome web presence. Check them out HERE.

Their website has fun interactive pages with silly quizzes, instructional videos (want to learn to tie a knot?), gear spotlights, recipes, and so much more! It's definitely one to bookmark and add to their "parent approved" lists for them to visit over and over again!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Social Media - Where To Find Us

If you're linked in on social media, please come on over to our various accounts and like and/or follow us.  

Image result for like us on facebook

If you're on Facebook, please feel free to tag and share photos with us from your den meetings and Pack events  By the way, all of our blog posts are propagated into our Facebook feed so you won't miss a thing!  We can be found HERE.  Come "like" us!

Image result for follow us on twitter

We are also on Twitter.  You can follow us HERE.

Image result for follow us on instagram

We are also on Instagram.  You can follow us HERE.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


It’s time again to recharter our Pack with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).  As part of this process, each Scout and leader must register for the upcoming year (this includes payment of registration dues and ensuring your Health Form (part A & B) is current). While our Pack operates on a SCHOOL calendar of June - May, registration dues for everyone are paid on a January-December basis.

Recharter dues for returning scouts is $120 ($10 per month)

Arrow of Light scouts are $75 
(this reduction is because they cross over into Boy Scouts in late February)


1) National Dues – this fee is paid directly to the Boy Scouts of America and registers your Cub Scout for the period January through December. The annual National Dues are $26.50 ($24 registration fee plus $2.50 for accident insurance) per Cub Scout.

2) Boys’ Life Fee – Boys' Life is the monthly magazine for the Boy Scouts of America. It’s a fantastic read that reinforces Scouting and the good family values that are part of our program. While registration for Boys’ Life is optional, we feel that the content is so important and relevant, we choose to make this part of your registration payment. Therefore, we incorporate that fee into the dues as well. For more information, visit: www.boyslife.org Boy's Life is $1 per month, so $12 annually, per Scout.

3) Pack Fee – $81.50 (about $7 per month) The Pack charges an annual Pack Fee to help cover the cost of running the Pack. This fee includes all program costs and is set each year by the Pack Committee. At the very basic level, this covers your scout's rank specific handbook ($13) provided at joining, the rank specific neckerchief ($10) and corresponding slide ($6) as well along with a Pack T-shirt ($11). It also cover the rank specific neckerchief ($10), handbook ($13) and slide ($6) for their NEXT rank which they receive at the graduation ceremony in May. It also includes all awards, badges, patches, pins, Webelos activity badges, adventure loops, as well as a pinewood derby car kit, a rain gutter regatta kit, the Pack 1910 unit patches for their uniform ($6) and the Pack 1910 brag vest patch ($6) as well as all patches for participation along with all of the materials associated with monthly Pack meetings/ceremonies/activities. As you can see, there is great deal of tangible goods that each scout receives annually just for doing what they do! This doesn't even cover the other costs... just what our BOYS receive.

Thus, we rely heavily on fundraising to ensure an awesome program for our youth. Simply stated, Popcorn sales fuels Cub Scouts.

Membership renewals are due no later than the November Committee / Parent meeting so that we know you are continuing your path with Pack 1910 into 2018.

Checks should be made payable to Pack 1910. If you would like to pay via credit card, that can be done as well through Paypal. For your convenience, we have set up a Payments page on our blog to enable parents to utilize PayPal. Be sure you are choosing the correct membership fee structure as there are lists for RECHARTER of current members, NEW members, AOL recharters as well as TRANSFERS. Choose wisely.

Without registration payment commitments, we cannot recharter your Scout. Awards and rank cannot be recorded for unregistered Scouts.

Remember, the fun things we do at the Pack meetings, the prizes, awards, rank insignia, handbooks, patches and all that the pack provides is funded only by dues and fundraisers. We budget and rely on that commitment from every family each year.

Families new to Pack 1910 should be paid up by now and therefore, recharter dues do not apply *unless* you have not yet paid for 2018 at the time of registration.

While we try to streamline this as much as process, there IS paper involved -- we need a new health form for anyone that hasn't submitted one within the last year. Links are below.

Thank you for your assistance in making this as painless and streamlined of a process as possible. I appreciate everyone's prompt attention to this matter.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours in Scouting,

Amber Walker
Membership Chair

Links to complete your renewal:

Volunteer info form

Paypal Payments

Health Form

Popcorn Sales (For Parents)

A great watch on the benefits you may not realize your son is gaining from participating in this sales program that benefits not only our pack but Longhorn Council as well!  

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Why We Cub Scout

There is a lot of "noise" in life today. 

Lots of distractions coming from every possible angle are demanding our attention. 

Have you ever been guilty of the "just-a-minute" virus?  Do you realize that sooner rather than later... your sons won't be asking for your minutes. That void created will be filled with screens and sports and friends and then cars and girls... Your window of opportunity to plug in to them (while they still think that you know everything and are cool to be around) is NOW!

We get these precious humans for the smallest amount of time.  Luckily, we have this great organization called Cub Scouts that gives us the chance to be involved right in the middle of that small span in their lives where we can make a positive impact that helps to shape and define their very character. 

Athletics and sports are great, don't get me wrong. All three of my boys are involved in sports as well as scouting. However, at the end of the day, a lot of that "stuff" gets absorbed into the noise and becomes just another "thing" that needs to be checked off our over scheduled, too-busy lives full of to-do lists. They won't remember their 27th game of soccer.  They won't remember their 19th hour of baseball practice. 

But, I can guarantee you what they will remember... 

...they'll remember their first camping trip with you.  

...they'll remember the hike where they saw the deer when you were pulling into the parking lot of the trail head. 

...they'll remember soon how to pack their own backpack with the six essential items required for hiking because we're teaching them to be self reliant and responsible. 

...they'll forget about screens because those campfires draw them in

...they'll remember holding the Scout salute in reverence for when our flags are retired

...they'll remember you being there through it all right next to them!

This photo says it all to me. 

They won't remember their best day of television. 

But they'll remember all the fun they have with you... in Cub Scouts! 

THAT is why we Cub Scout. It's a small investment into the biggest, most important THING we will ever be a part of -- shaping the character of our sons and watching them do their best!  Join today.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Time To Get Popping!

Pack 1910 -- it’s time to get popping!



Take order starts NOW!  Formal kick off will be at our September Pack Meeting but you can start selling anytime!  Incentives for each den who has the highest seller in their den!

If you have questions about the popcorn fundraising program, you can check our Popcorn Page.

We have tons of of incentives to make this totally worth your while! Oh, and it's pretty tasty stuff! That doesn't hurt one bit!