Sunday, February 27, 2022

Spring Family Campout -- Save the Date

 One of the things all scouts look forward to in Cub Scouts is CAMPING and it's almost time! Make plans to join us for our Spring Family Camp Out April 1-3.

Camping is definitely one of the highlights of any Cub Scout's year. Campouts are fun occasions where we get to come together as a Unit and we all have a blast. We have great food and a fun experience for the whole family. 

We will have an online registration form active soon so be sure to watch out for that. 

Our program feature is HIKING and COOKING and will be at Worth Ranch in Palo Pinto.

Are you a little “camping-shy”? Don’t let it hold you back!! Do it for your Scout– they’ll love you for it!!  

Unless you have an open-ended bank account, don't run out and buy every piece of gear you think you need at REI (but if you just want to, please let me know and I'll give you my list, too!) The best thing to do when starting to acquire gear is to start small and simple so that you can discover what your family needs... grow from there. There are plenty of seasoned camping veterans in our pack that have gear to spare so don't hesitate to put the word out if you need to borrow something.

To begin, you need something to sleep IN, something to sleep ON, something to wear, personal toiletries, chairs and light. (Oh... and toilet paper! Don't forget the toilet paper!)

Cub Scout family camping is also referred to as "car camping." With a large enough vehicle, you're fortunate enough to be able to take just about everything AND the kitchen sink with you. But for the amount of time you'll be there, it's really not necessary. Though, a few creature comforts are definitely worth it!

Be watching for more info but for now -- SAVE THE DATE!

Sunday, February 20, 2022

BALOO Training - Register Today


Parents and Leaders - we are in CRITICAL need of more BALOO trained adults in our Pack.

What IS BALOO training?

BALOO training is the Cub Scout training required for any Cub Scout den or pack outdoor event, including pack and Webelos den overnight camping. BALOO certification is reached after completion of two components—one online and one practical, hands-on session (in layman's terms -- that means you'll be camping). Both components must be completed to qualify as a “TRAINED” Cub Scout outdoor leader.

The online component which must be completed prior to the practical component contains introductory and basic information that will be built upon during the camping. Cool thing... YOU CAN DO THIS PORTION RIGHT NOW in the comfort of your own home by simply logging into your account (the same one where you took Youth Protection Training) and knock that out of the way! Talk about being proactive!

Why take BALOO?

Great question! I'm glad you asked. Here's the simple explanation: We cannot camp without BALOO trained adults -- not leaders.. but ADULTS (this means you). It's that simple.

As a Pack, we are not allowed to camp-out anywhere other than at a Council or District sponsored event UNLESS we have at least one BALOO trained adult. We should have at least one, if not TWO BALOO trained adults in EVERY DEN! Why?  Because eventually your scouts will be Webelos and you will need that to camp as a den.  

As a Pack, we have set a standard that we will have a minimum of two BALOO trained adults on every overnight event, because if there is only one.... and that person has to leave... the event has to end. The more BALOO trained adults we have in our Pack, the better off our entire program is.

We know not everyone can make every camp out which is why we need MULTIPLE PARENTS AND LEADERS to obtain their BALOO certification. This is not the time to rely on everyone else to ensure your Scout's program is the best one around -- THIS is a way YOU can make an IMMEDIATE DIFFERENCE!!!


So what? You don't have to be! Cool, huh? You only have to be an adult who wants to see our Pack's outdoor program continue and succeed.


The catch is that... we need parents to attend! You need to take the training and then commit to being one of those BALOO trained adults who... ya know... actually comes camping with us!  The more that attend from the same unit, you can really bring some exciting things back to our outdoor program.


The next one is SO CLOSE TO HOME you are just crazy to not attend!  It'll be March 5 (8a) - March 6 (noon) at Camp Burnett in Southlake -- you can't ask for a more convenient location.  REGISTER HERE

Once you complete the course, you get a handy dandy business sized card that signifies you are indeed a BALOO trained adult. KEEP THAT CARD IN YOUR WALLET! It has to be on your person for overnight events. Oh, and Pack leadership -- we need a copy of that!

The only way to make our program BE the best one around, is to personally invest in it!

BALOO is one or two evenings with some amazing leadership and parents just like you who want to see their Scout's unit be awesome! Such a small investment with a huge payoff for everyone! Plus if you attend, you'll become one of my heroes. So who's going to sign up and join Suzie in September?

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Don't Make Hulk Angry -- RSVP today!


Our Blue & Gold Banquet is in ONE WEEK!  We need your RSVP TODAY.

Stay MARVELous my friends and we'll see ya there.

Register your family HERE

Great Backyard Bird Count Feb 18-21

The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is a free, fun, and easy event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of bird populations. Participants are asked to count birds for as little as 15 minutes (or as long as they wish) on one or more days of the four-day event and report their sightings online at

The best news is that anyone can take part in the Great Backyard Bird Count, from beginning bird watchers to experts, and you can participate from your backyard, or anywhere in the world.

Each checklist submitted during the GBBC helps researchers at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society learn more about how birds are doing, and how to protect them and the environment we share. Last year, more than 192,000 participants submitted their bird observations online, creating the largest instantaneous snapshot of global bird populations ever recorded. A record 6,310 species were identified and more than 176,000 checklists were turned in.

The annual GBBC will be held February 18 - 21.

The first thing is to register. Next you count. Then you report. Three simple things that make a HUGE difference! Check out the informative links below.

Step 1: Decide where you will watch birds.

Step 2: Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days, February 18-21, 2022.

Step 3: Count all the birds you see or hear within your planned time/location and use the best tool for sharing your bird sightings:

If you already contribute to Merlin or eBird, continue what you are doing! All entries over the 4-days count towards GBBC.

Join us and get out there and get counting.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Blue & Gold Cake Boss

Are you and your Scout ready to take home the title of CAKE BOSS?!  Dust the flour off those aprons and start your planning now!

Each year at the Blue and Gold Banquet we have a dessert competition where we ask Scouts that wish to participate, to create a THEMED dessert (obviously, in line with our Blue and Gold theme -- MARVEL) to bring for voting (and EATING).

All Cake Boss entries are considered dessert for the banquet (but not until the voting has been completed.)  Please make sure all components of your desserts (unless they're cupcake toppers, etc.) are EDIBLE.

Be brainstorming of what you'd like to have for your scout's entry this year and see if YOU can take home the title of CAKE BOSS 2022!

Scout Sunday 2022


Scout Sunday is an observance of the connection between the BSA and its religious-oriented partners.  It's held each year on the Sunday preceding the anniversary of Scouting in America (February 8). So "officially" it's February 8, but large church organizations can schedule this day any day in February. The United Methodist Church (organization) has officially scheduled it for February 13. 

Keller United Methodist Church is providing an opportunity to Troop 1910, Crew 1910, Ship 1910, Pack 1910 and Troop 1920 to serve at their Sunday services to recognize the impact of Scouting within the church body of Keller UMC.

Youth would be greeters/ushers to help recognize and demonstrate our commitment to the Scout Law being Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Cheerful and, most importantly, Reverent.

Participation as a volunteer at Keller UMC (or at your home religious institution) on Scout Sunday would qualify Scouts to receive the Scout Sunday patch pictured above. 

(Participation can be as much as wearing your full Scout uniform to service at your home church if you're not able to serve in another way.)  

There are TWO services your Scout may serve at. Only choose one. You will need to attend with your scout (not serve, but be present as their guardian).  You will need to register your scout HERE  Registration for this service opportunity are on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

District Roundtable is tomorrow!


Leaders, don't forget to join us this Thursday via Zoom for the Mustang District Roundtable training event.  Check Scoutbook for login information.

Leaders, please be in full field uniform with your cameras on.  If you can change the name designation on your Zoom account to read First Last - Pack 1910 that will enable the meeting host to ensure you are quickly added to the proper breakout room.

District Roundtable is where we discuss events, deadlines and news from BSA National, our Council and to talk about Mustang District events.  Once the large group announcements and discussions are made, we break into smaller rooms -- yours will be specific to Cub Scouts.  Our Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner will lead us in a discussion on a predetermined topic (DEN CHIEFS!!), conduct some training and THIS is where the tribal knowledge is shared. This is where the magic happens.  

Check Scoutbook for the login information.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Scout Saver Fundraiser - Sign Ups OPEN!

Longhorn Council is kicking off a new opportunity to afford all Scouts in our Unit the opportunity to pay their way because, after all, a Scout is Thrifty.

We are going to a tri-fold Scout Saver Entertainment fundraising card.

Below is a sample of what the tri-folds look like.  While they do have coupons on the tri-fold itself, the real seller is that it has an access code offering literally hundreds of 2-for-1 and up-to-50% off offers from all the vendors that are registered with the Entertainment SaversGuide. This will provide real value for customers and save them much more than the $10 they paid.

It is our intention to have this fundraiser help support each scout directly and independently in our Unit and provide a way for our Scouts to help pay their way through their Scouting journey.


Our fundraiser runs from now through May 1.