Sunday, September 3, 2017

Why We Cub Scout

There is a lot of "noise" in life today. 

Lots of distractions coming from every possible angle are demanding our attention. 

Have you ever been guilty of the "just-a-minute" virus?  Do you realize that sooner rather than later... your sons won't be asking for your minutes. That void created will be filled with screens and sports and friends and then cars and girls... Your window of opportunity to plug in to them (while they still think that you know everything and are cool to be around) is NOW!

We get these precious humans for the smallest amount of time.  Luckily, we have this great organization called Cub Scouts that gives us the chance to be involved right in the middle of that small span in their lives where we can make a positive impact that helps to shape and define their very character. 

Athletics and sports are great, don't get me wrong. All three of my boys are involved in sports as well as scouting. However, at the end of the day, a lot of that "stuff" gets absorbed into the noise and becomes just another "thing" that needs to be checked off our over scheduled, too-busy lives full of to-do lists. They won't remember their 27th game of soccer.  They won't remember their 19th hour of baseball practice. 

But, I can guarantee you what they will remember... 

...they'll remember their first camping trip with you.  

...they'll remember the hike where they saw the deer when you were pulling into the parking lot of the trail head. 

...they'll remember soon how to pack their own backpack with the six essential items required for hiking because we're teaching them to be self reliant and responsible. 

...they'll forget about screens because those campfires draw them in

...they'll remember holding the Scout salute in reverence for when our flags are retired

...they'll remember you being there through it all right next to them!

This photo says it all to me. 

They won't remember their best day of television. 

But they'll remember all the fun they have with you... in Cub Scouts! 

THAT is why we Cub Scout. It's a small investment into the biggest, most important THING we will ever be a part of -- shaping the character of our sons and watching them do their best!  Join today.

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