Thursday, May 23, 2019

Memorial Day

While many Americans will celebrate Memorial Day with hot dogs, hamburgers and a day off... let us not forget what this day is really all about. Memorial Day is not about 20% off sales and lounging by the pool. Memorial Day is a day of honor and respect for our fallen... and sometimes forgotten.

From the US Memorial Day website, Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. Over two dozen cities and towns claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it’s difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day.

Regardless of the exact date or location of its origins, one thing is clear – Memorial Day was borne out of the Civil War and a desire to honor our dead. It was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11. “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land,” he proclaimed. The date of Decoration Day, as he called it, was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any particular battle.

On the first Decoration Day, General James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, and 5,000 participants decorated the graves of the 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers buried there.

I encourage all Pack 1910 families to engage in something meaningful this weekend to help instill in our Cubs a purpose for this day. Let's raise a generation that doesn't forget.

Take part in watching the National Memorial Day Parade. They will have a live feed streaming on YouTube. The parade is at 2pm EST. More on the parade can be found here.

Here is a Memorial Day Tribute you could watch with your family.

If you would like to do something local, at 11:00am CST at the Mt. Gilead Cemetery on Keller-Smithfield Road, the Keller Mt. Gilead Cemetery Association and the Rotary club are putting together their annual Memorial Day celebration. (The band starts at 10:30 am.) This is a one hour event inclusive of a flag retirement ceremony (conducted by Troop 1910 of First United Methodist Church of Keller.) Bring a chair and water. Once the ceremony concludes, hot dogs and drinks will be served.  Again, please come prepared for the heat. Hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, and your own cold water!

We have added to our Pack Calendar a special entry on Memorial Day. At 3pm -- no matter where you are, what you are doing or whose company you are sharing -- please stop and take a moment to gather your family and friends together to remember those who have fallen in service to our great nation. Memorial Day is more than a cookout, it's a time to be in thought for those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice as well as their families. The National Moment of Remembrance is at 3pm. Unite with Americans everywhere to show that we have not forgotten that freedom isn't free. We are the home of the free BECAUSE of the brave!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Super Thank You!

Bridging is complete and it was a smashing success thanks to our fabulous volunteers!  We missed those of you who couldn't make it but we will definitely look forward to seeing you soon!

In closing after today's event -- I do believe a SUPER huge THANKS is in order to each and every one of you (along with a lot of exclamation points!)   I mean... I think you all are so super -- you deserve a cape!

Thanks to Chase Muery for grabbing the bridge and flags and helping get those set up!

Thanks to Betsy Muery for taking over the food set up!

Thanks to all of our families for providing for each other!

Thanks to everyone for helping clean up the food, kitchen, floors, chairs and tables!

Thanks to our leaders for the plans, meetings, guidance, direction and supreme cat herding!

Thanks to our new Committee Members for stepping up to make our Pack AWESOME!

Thanks to those who serve in the background making sure all the little things get done.

Thanks to Ben Highsmith for grabbing the grub so everyone would be happily fed!

Thanks to Keith Brunell, Scoutmaster for Scouts BSA Troop 1920 and ASM for Troop 1910 and his two Scouts for cooking ALL THOSE BURGERS!!!!  WHEW!  (...and that was after CAMPING all weekend!)

Thanks to our Scouting Parents who get their Scouts to the meetings, make sure their handbooks don't go missing... being the finder of lost slides... stepping up to be part of this machine... without YOU there is no US! 

... in short...

(say it with me now...)

And last, but certainly not least, thanks to our Chartered Organization, First United Methodist Church of Keller for your support of the scouting movement and Pack 1910.

Thanks to God for each and every life touched by Scouting.

2018-2019 has been a great year and I can't wait to see what 2019-2020 brings!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Spread The Love -- Year End Community Service Drive

To celebrate the end of our 2018-2019 Scouting year, we couldn't think of a better way to do it than to SPREAD THE LOVE with one last community service project.

We will be collecting new jars of peanut butter and jelly to take to the food pantry.  With the school day coming to an end, many of the children on the school lunch program will be going without so let's spread the love by helping keep our local food pantry stocked with quick and easy lunch staples for local families. 

Thank you!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

National Peace Officers Memorial Day

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that date falls as Police Week. Currently, tens of thousands of law enforcement officers from around the world converge on Washington, DC to participate in a number of planned events which honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

The Memorial Service began in 1982 as a gathering in Senate Park of approximately 120 survivors and supporters of law enforcement. Decades later, the event, more commonly known as National Police Week, has grown to a series of events which attracts thousands of survivors and law enforcement officers to our Nation's Capital each year.

In the United States today, 950 thousand law enforcement officers put their lives on the line for our safety and protection. They serve with valor and distinction—and with great success. As a result, federal statistics show that violent and property crime rates in the United States are at historic lows, thanks in large measure to the dedicated service of the men and women of law enforcement.

But that protection comes at a price. Each year, there are approximately 60,000 assaults on law enforcement officers, resulting in nearly 16,000 injuries and death of those sworn to serve and protect. In the past decade, an average of 160 officers a year are been killed in the line of duty.

While in 2017 the number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty dropped sharply—marking the second-lowest toll in more than 50 years—2018 saw a significant jump in law enforcement fatalities.

As of late December 2018, 144 officers have died in the line of duty according to data released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), a nonprofit organization devoted to honoring officers and improving safety.

Let’s be sure to honor those who have made the Ultimate Sacrifice and those who continue selflessly to serve.  To our men and women who serve our community, we salute you! May 15, fly your flags at half-staff from sunrise to sunset to honor those men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to their communities.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Space Camp

Enter for a chance to win a weeklong trip to Space Camp, located in Huntsville, Ala.

Space Camp is a weeklong program with simulated space missions using authentic NASA astronaut training simulators. Program offers full and partial BSA merit badges.

You must be between 9–18 years old to win the grand prize, a trip to Space Camp and between 6–18 to win a runner-up prize (an official Space Camp flight suit).  Enter daily RIGHT HERE

Monday, May 13, 2019

Bridging Graduation Ceremony & Potluck

The culmination and celebration of a year of hard work is something Pack 1910 scouts look forward to. Our annual bridging celebration and potluck is definitely one of our most anticipated events. It is THIS SUNDAY!

The Scouts will begin with a graduation ceremony where they bridge to their new ranks in the prayer garden of the United Methodist Church of Keller at 3:30 pm. So, please have them present in their full field uniform. They will be presented with their new neckerchief, slides and handbooks.

Then, it’s time for some food and fellowship at the Scout House!


A gentle reminder that this will serve as the last Pack "Meeting" until September. We will distribute our Summer Calendar of events via e-mail and cover some of the fun activities at the bridging.

Be sure to check your e-mail (and/or spam folder) for the Scoutbook event notification including the SignUp for potluck items. It's on the bottom of the e-mail with a link to click. In order to make this great event EVEN BETTER, we need a little help from everyone. So, thank you in advance for stepping up and helping the Pack go!

So, to remind you:

WHO: Pack 1910 Scouts and their families
WHAT: Bridging Graduation and Potluck
WHERE:  Ideally, United Methodist Church Prayer Garden for Bridging then a short walk to the Scout House for the potluck and fellowship.
WHEN:  Sunday, May 19 at 3:30 pm

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  • Scouts should arrive in full field uniform
  • Please remember to bring drinks for your family
  • Don’t forget to bring your camp chairs if we are able to bridge in the Prayer Garden
  • Sign up for one or more of the slots to cover needed items for the potluck

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Did I mention to bring drinks for your family?

Image result for cooler of drinks

Oh yeah, and chairs, too

Image result for byo camp chair

Last but not least – Don’t forget to bring your cameras!

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If you have any questions, please contact April or your den leaders. Thanks to EVERYONE for a great 2018-2019!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

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Happy Mother's Day to all the Akela Moms out there in Pack 1910! We owe you so much for not only putting up with the stinky, smoke-laden camp-out clothes to the finding of lost whatchamacallits...

...from the rides back and forth to den and Pack meetings to the planning of advancement

...from the recording of advancement to the patience of letting them learn to do their best even though you can do it faster

...from the selling of popcorn to volunteering for those little tasks to unburden the leadership

...from the smiles of support and encouragement to the mentoring of tomorrow's leaders

...from the snacks for den meetings to the last-minute projects to help fulfill

...from the sewing of patches to the labeling of awards

...from the input and feedback that makes our Pack grow to the simple things like meeting set up and breakdown

...for pitching in to do what we all do best... provide that maternal instinct to nurture, grow and protect.  Today, we celebrate you!

From all of our leadership... THANK YOU AND HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY

Happy Mother's Day to the Lion moms who have jumped into this new program because you knew it was something your little cubs would benefit from! You're already taking steps to ensure that this is the best program for him! We appreciate you!

Happy Mother's Day to the Tiger moms who have jumped into this program fearlessly and helped turn this into something their boys want to be a part of! We appreciate you!

Happy Mother's Day to the Wolf moms who are learning their way more and more through the program and start to realize the importance of Pack participation! We appreciate you!

Happy Mother's Day to the Bear moms who are learning now that we the program is designed to lead these young Cubs into the steps of independence. Staying ever so close... but allowing them more opportunities to grow in the wild! We appreciate you!

And... last but not least...

Happy Mother's Day to our Webelos moms who are now learning to step back and let the boys experience the program as it was meant to be... supervised learning by doing. They're on the precipice of learning to lead each other. Just like the superheroes of the past, you've equipped them with the right equipment in their toolbelt by effectively letting the program teach them to be self-reliant! We appreciate you!

Simply put, we just couldn't do it without our MOMS!! I read a quote somewhere that said, "God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers." May your day be blessed!

BALOO Training

Parents and Leaders - we are in CRITICAL need of more BALOO trained adults in our Pack.

What IS BALOO training?

BALOO training is the Cub Scout leader training required for any Cub Scout den or pack outdoor event, including pack and Webelos den overnight camping. BALOO certification is reached after completion of two components—one online and one practical, hands-on session (that means you'll be camping). Both components must be completed to qualify as a “TRAINED” Cub Scout outdoor leader.

The online component which must be completed prior to the practical component contains introductory and basic information that will be built upon during the camping. Cool thing... YOU CAN DO THIS PORTION RIGHT NOW in the comfort of your own home by simply logging into your account (the same one where you took Youth Protection Training) and knock that out of the way! Talk about being proactive!

Why take BALOO?

Great question! I'm glad you asked. Here's the simple explanation: We cannot camp without BALOO trained adults. It's that simple.

As a Pack, we are not allowed to camp-out anywhere other than at a Council or District sponsored event UNLESS we have at least one BALOO trained adult. Currently, only have a couple of BALOO trained adults in our ENTIRE PACK! How is this possible in a Unit our size?!?

As a Pack, we have set a standard that we will have a minimum of two BALOO trained adults on every overnight event, because if there is only one.... and that person has to leave... the event has to end. The more BALOO trained adults we have in our Pack, the better off our entire program is.

We know not everyone can make every camp out which is why we need MULTIPLE PARENTS AND LEADERS to obtain their BALOO certification. This is not the time to rely on everyone else to ensure your Scout's program is the best one around -- THIS is a way YOU can make an IMMEDIATE DIFFERENCE!!!


So what? You don't have to be! Cool, huh? You only have to be an adult who wants to see our Pack's outdoor program continue and succeed.


The catch is that... we need parents to attend! You need to take the training and then commit to being one of those BALOO trained adults who... ya know... actually comes camping with us!


We have several leaders attending the training being held September 14 from 8am to September 15 at noon at Hills & Hollows in Denton.  REGISTER HERE

Once you complete the course, you get a handy dandy business sized card that signifies you are indeeda BALOO trained adult. KEEP THAT CARD IN YOUR WALLET! It has to be on your person for overnight events. Oh, and Pack leadership -- we need a copy of that!

The only way to make our program BE the best one around, is to personally invest in it!

BALOO is one or two evenings with some amazing leadership and parents just like you who want to see their son's units be awesome! Such a small investment with a huge payoff for everyone! Plus if you attend, you'll become one of my heroes!

Cub Scout and Webelos Resident Camp

There are so many opportunities all summer long to keep the OUT in ScOUTing! One of those is Cub Scout and/or Webelos Resident Camps provided by the Longhorn Council. Outdoor Adventures and Camping for Cub Scouts at Cub Scout and Webelos Resident Camp! Registration is open!

A great perk of attending -- your Scout can earn his Outdoor Activity Award.  Day Camp and/or Resident Camp is mandatory to earn this.

Pack your bags and join us for camping adventures and Cub Scout summer fun! Three Webelos sessions (for Webelos and AOL) and three Cub Scout sessions are available. Cub Scout and Webelos Camps help bring outdoor fun and learning to your Cub Scout summer! Camps take place at Worth Ranch near Palo Pinto and Camp Tahuaya near Belton. You’ll go rock climbing, go swimming and have fun water fights each day! Try our fleet of new Sit-on-Top Kayaks at Camp Tahuaya. Hike Kyle Mountain at Worth Ranch.

Cub Scout Resident Camp and Webelos Activities:
* Swimming* Kayaking (CT) * Archery * BB Shooting * Climbing * Water Battles * 
* Kyle Mtn Sunrise * Hike (WR) * Nature * Canoeing (CT) * Reptile Shows * 
* Campfires * Games * First Aid * Advancement * Crafts * Fishing * 

Leaders and adults attending Resident Camp who would like to help teach or staff programs should contact the Camping Registrar at

You’ll spend lots of time in the pool and fighting water battles. All Cub Scouts and parents are invited to bring water blasters (not shaped like a gun), squirt bottles, water balloons,etc. Leaders and parents should keep the water toys, except during designated water battles.

All tents, meals, eating utensils, program materials and equipment are provided by the camp for each camper. The camp does not provide cots or mattresses for the campers. A limited number of cots may be rented for $5 per camp session on a first-come first-served basis.

If you’re the only member of your Pack attending camp, you can be an “Explorer” camper. An adult camping partner, must accompany each “Explorer” camper, in accordance with BSA’s Cub Scout Family Camping rules. You’ll make new friends and camp with other “Explorer” Cub Scouts and parents from Packs all over the Longhorn Council

The orientation meeting for adults coming to camp, will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Longhorn Council offices the Wednesday before your camp session starts. Orientation Meetings for Worth Ranch sessions will be held at the Hurst office. Orientation Meetings for Camp Tahuaya sessions will be held at the Waco office and the Hurst office.

All adults (18 and older) must turn in a completed Camp Adult Info Form to the Camp Director on arrival at camp. Each Pack, Den, or family attending must turn in a Texas Camp Adult Roster prior to arriving at camp.

All units in camp MUST BE under the direct leadership of two adults at all times, one must be at least 21 years old and the other at least 18 years old. Adults may rotate with other parents or leaders; however, at least two qualified adults must remain in camp with the unit 24 hours daily while in camp. All adults in camp must have a current BSA youth protection card (good for two years).

Register for Webelos Sessions: $125 youth, $50 adults. 3-Night

Camp Tahuaya Webelos Session 1 – June 23 – June 26
Camp Tahuaya Webelos Session 2 – June 26- June 29
Worth Ranch Webelos Session 3 – June 30 – July 3

Register for Cub Scout Sessions: $125 youth, $50 adults. 3-Nights.

Camp Tahuaya Cub Scout Session 1 – June 23 – June 26
Camp Tahuaya Cub Scout Session 2 – June 26- June 29
Worth Ranch Cub Session 3 – June 30 – July 3

Every adult and youth camper must have a completed BSA Medical form, Parts A, B, and C. This form does require a doctor’s exam. The Health Department requires immunization dates and parent signatures on all health forms.

A non-refundable deposit of $25.00 per person attending with their unit or $30.00 per Explorer and adult, along with your completed reservation application is due by the Initial Deposit and Registration Deadline. The deposit applies to your total camp fee; there is no difference in the final fee for Explorer campers.

After the initial deposit deadline, a late fee of $10 will apply. Individual reservations and fees are accepted until the late registration deadline. After the late registration deadline, no reservation will be accepted without the Camp Director’s permission.

There are two ways to register Cub Scouts and adults for Resident Camp.

  • Register as a Pack. The Pack’s Cubmaster (or other leader) can select youth and adults from their pre-loaded roster and add them to their Resident Camp registration. Contact the Camping Registrar,, for assistance.
  • Register Individually. Set up your own family’s registration account and enter all of the data for each person you are registering.

WHAT YOU NEED (the info you’ll need to register.)
  • T-shirt Sizes for each Cub scout or Webelos
  • DOBs
  • family emails and phones
  • addresses
  • emergency contact info

Click here for the BSA Medical form needed for Resident Camp.

Camp Adult Info Form
Texas Camp Adult Roster – PDF
Texas Camp Adult Roster – Excel

If we have an interest in attending as a UNIT, please reach out to April ASAP.  I know we have scouts who are interested.