Friday, September 30, 2016

Scout Shop Shopping

CHECK IT OUT… The 2016 BSA® Welcome to Scouting Brochure is HERE (click the word HERE)!

The hottest Scouting gear is here! Your local Scout Shops and have the new 2016 Welcome to Scouting Brochure, so check it out today.

It’s 12 pages, brimming with innovative Scouting ways to start your Scout year on the right foot, including:

  • NEW Cub Scout™ and Boy Scout™ T-shirts and Caps
  • NEW Family Camping Gear
  • Cub Scout Novelties and Gifts
  • And great gear for Leaders, too!

Review the selection in print or online; then shop for your favorites at or our local Scout Shop!

Popcorn Pacesetter Campaign

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With our Take Order AND Show and Sell Popcorn fundraiser in FULL SWING... it's time we kick it up a notch!

On Saturday, October 1, the Longhorn Council will be issuing a CHALLENGE called a Pacesetter Campaign to each scout selling Take Order.  If your son would like to be part of this fun, BE SURE TO SIGN UP BY CLICKING THIS LINK HERE.  We are Unit 1910 in the Mustang District.  You only need sign up for YOUR Scout.

The Pacesetter Program is a FANTASTIC way for your son to boost his sales which puts him in the running for more fun prizes!  Plus, it's really easy to complete.  Have your scout focus each day on the one sales task. They will receive a text message daily to remind them. Join the Popcorn Campaign Club to receive updates and other communication.  Text "BSAPOP" to 51660.

Your son's daily checklist is maintained by YOU (a Scout is Trustworthy) and can be found HERE.

We will collect forms from all participants and take them to Council for after our campout to secure the prizes for our Pack members who set the pace and distribute those.

The neat thing?  Your scout gets a cool prize just for competing in this little week-long campaign -- this awesome little pop up lantern.

Sales earned during the Pacesetter Program ALSO go toward the Trail's End prizes AND the pack level prizes.  Top in the Pack get a cool Star Wars prize.  Top 2 in each den get a silly string attack on the leader of their choice.  Top in each den gets a branded camp mug AND if your scout hits the $1,000 sales mark, they'll earn two tickets the opening weekend to the new Star Wars movie when it comes out in December along with popcorn (of course) and a drink!  This doesn't even begin to cover all the cool stuff they can acquire from Trail's End.  

Thank you all for your help in making sure our Pack is successful.  ALL money from fundraising is poured right back into our program whether it's paying for campout food, providing t-shirts, awards, activities and equipment.  Everything is poured right back into the program!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tiger Adventure Day is this Saturday!

Tiger Cubs -- Don't forget that this Saturday is the Tiger Cub Adventure Day JUST FOR YOU!  If you haven't registered, it's not too late.  You can stop by the Longhorn Council tomorrow and turn in your registration form.  More information can be found HERE!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

YPT - Youth Protection Training

The Boy Scouts of America require that ALL registered leaders in our program be Youth Protection Trained.  As a Pack, however, we strive to have EVERY PARENT (whether you are registered as a volunteer or not) to be YPT trained. Why? It's free. It's easily accomplished online. It requires a mere 20-30 minutes of your attention. Plus, face it, it's just a good idea in any youth program to have everyone on the same page.

To take Youth Protection training go to and create an account. You’ll receive an email notification with your account information, including a member ID/reference number.

Upon completion, you may print a training certificate or save it to a .pdf file and e-mail to Pack leadership.  Training will be automatically be updated in the BSA's system and associated with the member ID/reference number issued when you created the account. If you are a registered BSA volunteer, you can insert your BSA membership ID number into your account profile so that they are linked.  If you don't know your BSA membership ID number, you can go back and enter it at any time.

Of all the things we do for the boys -- this one is vital to the safety and integrity of our program. Please take the time to complete YPT training today.  The online module certification is good for two years.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

WatchDog Kick Off Flags

Pack 1910 was invited to lead the flag ceremony for the Watch Dog program kick-off night at Ridgeview Elementary.  We brought one of our alumni Scouts from Troop 1910 to call so that our scouts could truly be the color guard.  They did a fantastic job.

Leading the way, representing and providing a service to Ridgeview -- WIN all around! Way to go guys!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Genius Kit Competition

Cub Scouts are CREATIVE!  So creative, in fact, it's downright SCARY!

Every October we want them to take that creativity to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL.

Pack 1910 hereby issues a challenge to scouts new and old for the October Pack Meeting -- Scare us!  Creep us out!  Do something... make something with the theme of HALLOWEEN!

Click on the document above to have it open a printable version for you.  We call these "Genius Kits".  These creations will be brought to the October Pack Meeting and displayed on the NO TOUCH TABLES for boys to show off their projects and hard work.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


If you or your son are new to Cub Scouts, you may notice at some pack meetings that some scouts are sporting red felt vests with many different kinds of patches attached. You see, yet another fun perk of Cub Scouts is getting to collect colorful activity patches for many of the adventures they go on.  For instance, when they turn in their take-order popcorn sales sheet, they earn a patch.  When they attend the USS Lexington, they get a patch!  Just for joining Pack 1910, we provide boys with their FIRST patch -- a circular Pack 1910 patch to start their collection.  

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From there, for every Pack activity they participate in, they will earn a segment (unless it's a special activity, then they'll likely earn another specialty patch to add to their collection along with their segment). The segments are grouped along the edges of the circular patch so that it's a history of their Scouting career.  After a wonderful, industrious Cub Scout career, their vests could look something like this...

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The question most parents have is -- what in the world do we DO with all these things?  To that I say, you have options!

The easiest option is to just collect them in a box (but what fun is THAT!) or let him pin them on a bulletin board. The downside of that is that they may get lost and the segments are small so it does require dedication to keep up with them.

Another way to display these is on a red vest also called a "brag vest".  These can be purchased at the Scout Shop, online at ScoutStuff or you can use THIS PATTERN to make your own.  There is another online company called that has free shipping and charges $10 per red vest.  Since these aren't official BSA uniform components, you can get them anywhere you want!

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Yet another option is a blanket.  This is a way that you can carry the patch collection display into Boy Scouts as well.
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Again, please know that the red brag vest is not part of the official BSA uniform, but they just look really cool -- especially when they are full of Scouting adventures!

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To note -- most patches do not have an iron-on adhesive backing so sewing is the preferred method of attachment.  If you're not one who likes to sew, most dry cleaners have a seamstress that will do this for a nominal fee of $1-2 per patch for the large ones. 

New Parent Orientation Night

Parents, please make plans to join us for an informal but important Parent Information and Orientation meeting Sunday, September 25 from 5:15-6:15pm in the Scout House. 

Bring your questions!

If you have printed your New Parent Orientation Guide, please bring that with you to follow along or download it to your device and go paperless. It is also available off our blog's main page by clicking the link to the left of the entries.  Please RSVP on ScoutBook so we know to expect you.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Boy's Life Magazine

One of the items available to Scouts that some Packs consider optional is the Boy's Life Magazine. Our Pack feels so strongly about the benefit from this publication that we actually include a subscription for every single Cub Scout with their membership fees.

The official magazine of The Boy Scouts of America, Boy's Life Magazine also has an awesome web presence. Check them out HERE.

Their website has fun interactive pages with silly quizzes, instructional videos (want to learn to tie a knot?), gear spotlights, recipes, and so much more! It's definitely one to bookmark and add to their "parent approved" lists for them to visit over and over again!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

It's Popcorn Time - Join Our Selling Force!

At our Pack Meeting on Tuesday, 9/13 our awesome Popcorn Kernel officially kicked off our 2016 Popcorn take-order campaign. It’s our most important fund raiser and permits us to reduce the costs for many of the activities that we do throughout the year. We would LOVE to use this (and ONLY THIS) to fund our whole program with no activity costs for any of our events! Wouldn't that be ideal?!  

This year, the Longhorn Council has a lot of fun and exciting changes. With the Star Wars theme, scouts have the chance to earn the Galatic badge, Star Wars prizes (in addition to other cool scouting prizes) and a chance to go to the Jedi Masters-Rogue 1 movie premiere for any Scout selling over $1,000

Grab your order forms and GET OUT THERE!

With order forms in hand -- go see your neighbors, family members, parents' co-workers and friends. Fill out the order form and collect payment. All checks should be payable to Pack 1910.

Sign up for our on-site Show & Sell! We have three weekends coming up at various locations and we are trying to add more.  Each scout gets credit toward prize incentives for their booth sales!! Click HERE for the signup genius. It is important to note that if you are the opening booth, you'll need to pick up supplies from our Kernel.  If you are the closing booth family, you will need to return booth supplies to our Kernel.  Please click below for a direct e-mail address for our Popcorn Kernel, Jennifer Woodruff.  

What do the boys receive?
  • Galactic Patches - Each boy who sells take order will earn a cool Galactic patch pictured here.  There is also opportunity to build around it with more segments depending on what he sells.   See how that works HERE.
  • Top two in each rank will get to have a silly string attack on the leader of their choice
  • Top sales for each rank will receive a durable (and oh so necessary) camping mug branded with Pack 1910's branding iron.  These are fabulous on campouts!
  • Top sales in Pack 1910 will receive A SUPER COOL STAR WARS SURPRISE!
  • PLUS -- Any Scout who reaches "Master" level of $1,000 or more in sales will earn a ticket for them and a parent to attend the NEW Star Wars movie Rogue One, complete with popcorn, drinks and a special prize for each Master!
How can I help?
  • PLEASE take them to sell!  They can't do it without you and neither can we!
  • Do you have a van or truck? We will need help with picking up popcorn from the Council offices when it's time for distribution. Please let Jennifer or April know if you can pitch in to help! Click either name for their e-mail addresses.
Don't Forget!
Our Popcorn Page is always up and this information will be placed on there. Feel free to search the blog for entries tagged with the "popcorn" label for more info and ideas!

Dates and DEADLINES:

  • October 1-8 is the "Pacesetter Campaign" a separate blog post/e-mail will be sent out on that. It's a targeted way for your Scout to achieve higher sales with a small commitment from you and more rewards for the boys!
  • Show and Sell (the booths) ends October 16 
  • Take Order sales ends October 20.  All money and order forms are due to the Scout House by 8pm.
  • November 3-5:  we will be picking up our Take Order shipment and will need help getting it picked up.  (vans or trucks please)
  • December 3:  Incentive prize selections due (those can be chosen on 10/20 when the orders are turned in, too)

Email us at with any questions. Thanks for your support!

First Pack Meeting Success

Pack 1910's first Pack Meeting was a complete success!  

This was a fantastic kick off to another great year of Cub Scouts and we look forward to having TOO MUCH FUN all year long.  We kicked off our popcorn fundraiser, talked about uniforms, met the leadership, played a fun game, distributed awards, saw some awesome den flags, heard some cool chants and made some new friends!
Many thanks to everyone for coming out -- especially our SPECIAL guests -- the Keller Fire Department!

Thank you Christopher Mahanna for the photo!

What a fun surprise when all the boys saw the engine pull up outside!  You just can't beat our awesome firemen in Keller!

For anyone that took photos, please feel free to share them with us on our Facebook page!

Some of the talking points for parents were (most have clickable links):

We have so much fun in store this year and can't wait to share it with you all!  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Parent Information Guide

The new Pack 1910 Parent Information Guide is available now by clicking {HERE} or by clicking on the link located under the list of Scouting Links on the menu to the left.  This is an excellent resource for new and returning parents.  We encourage you to download your copy today!

We welcome and encourage all new families to come to the New Parent Orientation Orientation meeting on September 25 at 5:15 pm at the Scout House.  Children are welcome and we will have additional den leaders present to engage them in games and activities while you're getting the skinny on Scouts!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

4th Grade Webelos -- This One's For You!

The Department of the Interior has a program exclusively for 4th graders called Every Kid In A Park. Why only 4th graders? Because research shows that kids ages 9 to 11 are beginning to learn about the world around them. They’re open to new ideas, and they are likely to connect to nature and our history.  Think about how our 4th grade Scouting program starts them really working on self sufficiency and a partnership with nature, the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace.  It's the perfect age!

No matter where you are in the US, you're within two hours of a participating park! How cool is THAT?! Visiting public lands is healthy and fun. Learn about your heritage, and connect with nature.

Ready to check it out?  Click HERE

Monday, September 12, 2016

2016-2017 Scout Year Kick Off Meeting

Welcome new and old members of Pack 1910! 
 Join us for our September Pack Meeting to kick off the 2016-2017 Scouting year.

WHO: Boys in 1st – 5th graders and their families
WHEN: Tuesday, September 13 at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: United Methodist Church of Keller’s Family Life Center

Come to our opening pack meeting for the 2016-17 program year! It will be Tuesday, Sept 13 from 6:30pm to 7:45pm at United Methodist Church of Keller’s Family Life Center (the “FLC”) at 1025 Johnson Road, Keller. You won’t want to miss it!

In addition to our fundraising kick off, a fun game and a silly song or two, we’re hoping to have a special visitor attend!  

Plus, we will be handing out our annual calendar, taking registration for upcoming events, collecting paperwork and health forms, passing out summer awards!  It's going to be a whirlwind of a night!

This is a great night, too, to attend if you weren't able to make Sign-Up Night!  

Leaders will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about Cub Scouts and Pack 1910, specifically, and are setting aside time just for that before the New Parent Orientation and Information meeting later this month.

We can’t wait to see you there and to help you get started on your Scouting journey with Pack 1910!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Tiger Adventure Day

Tiger Rank

Cub Scout Adventures only geared for Tiger Cubs and their parents will be held October 1, 2016 at the Villages of Bear Creek Park, 1951 Bear Creek Pkwy. at Ash Ln., Euless, Texas 76039 (Mid-Cities West and Highway 360).

Come join with Tigers from across the Council for a day of outdoor adventure. This is a wonderful activity for the entire Tiger Dens or even just a Tiger and parent. There will be BB guns, Archery, Climbing, games, crafts, and opportunities to earn requirements, so come join the fun and ROAR with the rest of the Tiger Cubs.


The adventure begins at 1:00 pm and continues until 5:00 pm. Bring an afternoon snack, a water bottle, and comfortable shoes!!

Early Registration Fee: $13, if paid by Wed. Sept. 28

Full Registration Fee: $18, if paid after Wed. Sept. 28
**please note this fee is only for Scouts... parents are not charged

Fee includes all activity supplies, patches, and insurance. This is a rain or shine event! In the case of inclement weather, some activities may be modified or adapted for safety and/or practicality.  

Be sure you turn in your form and registration to your den leader.  If you would like to print out a form, you can find them here.

Social Media - Where to Find Us

If you're linked in on social media, please come on over to our various accounts and like and/or follow us.  

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If you're on Facebook, please feel free to tag and share photos with us from your den meetings and Pack events  By the way, all of our blog posts are propagated into our Facebook feed so you won't miss a thing!  We can be found HERE.  Come "like" us!

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We are also on Twitter.  You can follow us HERE.

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We are also on Instagram.  You can follow us HERE.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Sleepover At The Home of America's Team

Welcome to the 2016 Scout Sleepover opportunity offered by America's Team.  The greatest scout sleepover is little over month away! Don’t miss out on a night to remember at the home of our hometown team, the Dallas Cowboys!  Every Scout and their family is welcome to come out & participate!  Yes, the entire family can come!

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The registration form (pictured above) can be found HERE.  Early Bird Bonus:  register before September 23 and the fee is reduced to $50 per person.  

• Welcome Pizza Party • 
 Self-Guided Tours • 
 Field Activities • 
 Movie on Big Screen • 
 Camping out on Field  

WANT MORE TIME ON THE FIELD? Rally Day October 29 - Extended Field Access - Meet & Greet Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders - Autograph opportunities with Dallas Cowboys Alumni Players - Photo opportunities with Super Bowl Trophies - Bounce houses and more! $9 pp

Thursday, September 8, 2016

There's Still Time To Join!

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(I'll let you in on a little secret... it's no big deal!)  If you were unable to make it to Pack 1910's sign up night, please know that it is NOT too late to join Cub Scouts.  In fact, it's NEVER too late to join.  We are a year-round program!

So, if you didn't make it to sign up night, no problem at all.  Simply drop an e-mail to April Driggers, Committee Chair and she will promptly reply and tell you how to expeditiously get plugged in!  The faster you join, the more fun you can have!  Think about it!  Don't delay!  

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

STEM / NOVA Invitation

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You are invited to a free event at the Longhorn Activity Center on Thursday, September 8 from 6–8 pm to meet the staff that will be leading the Fall STEM classes. Not only will you get to meet the staff, but you will have the opportunity to see some of the cool things your kids can do this fall. These fun interactive classes are open to all children in grades 1-6. The classes offered include:

STEM Labs: grades 1-6 Engaging youth with interactive lessons each week concentrating on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Sign up for one lab or an entire semester. Fall Labs include the following topics: Electric Motors and Generators, Chemistry and Physics, Magnets and Static Electricity, Sound and Sound Waves and Build it Crush it Engineering. 

Intro to Robotics: grades 1-6 Learn what robots are and how they work by hands on lessons on simple machines, movement, coding and circuits. 

Intermediate Robotics: Grades 4-6 Using Lego EV3, learn how to build, program and design robots to complete specific tasks. 

Programming: Grades 1-6 Learn how to code, build games and more using multiple language platforms. 

For more information you can email

Monday, September 5, 2016

What in the World Do My Scouts Wear?

The Boy Scouts Of America have answered your call for assistance! 

Check out this awesome website to help those new to the world of scouting navigate the uniform requirements and optional components available to you.

Please note, however, that Pack 1910 is a "waist up" unit meaning that we do not require the official socks, shorts or pants.  We do prefer, however, if boys could wear shorts or pants with loops so that they can wear their adventure loops as part of their full Field Uniform.

Hats are also optional but when your scout is at an outdoor event, it's always nice to have an additional uniform component that not only fits in nicely with their Field Uniform (pictured here), but that which can also be worn with their Activity Uniform (Pack t-shirt) to help signify which den level they are affiliated with.

The uniform link is HERE.  However, we also have these rank specific .pdf files for you to have a visual aid AND a price list (effective August 2016) for those components you need to buy from our local Scout Shop.

The Longhorn Scout Shop is a separate store located within the Longhorn Council Office, 850 Cannon Drive in Hurst (just South of Hwy. 26 off of Precinct Line).  Their hours are 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday and 9:00 am - 3:00 pm on Saturdays.  

Sunday, September 4, 2016

It's Almost Time To CAMP!

One of the things boys all look forward to in Cub Scouts is CAMPING and it's almost time! Save the date for October 7-9 to camp with Pack 1910!  A ScoutBook invite was sent out to all current members.

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Unless you have an open-ended bank account, don't run out and buy every piece of gear you think you need at Cabela's (but if you want to, please let me know and I'll give you my list, too!) The best thing to do when starting to acquire gear is to start small and simple so that you can discover what your family needs... grow from there. There are plenty of seasoned camping veterans in our pack that have gear to spare so don't hesitate to put the word out if you need to borrow something.

Cub Scout family camping is also referred to as "car camping." With a large enough vehicle, you're fortunate enough to be able to take just about everything AND the kitchen sink with you. But for the amount of time you'll be there, it's really not necessary. Though, a few creature comforts are definitely worth it!

For our campout at Worth Ranch, however, you won't necessarily need a ton of supplies. 

To begin, you need something to sleep IN, something to sleep ON, something to wear, personal toiletries and light. (Oh... and toilet paper! Don't forget the toilet paper!)

Below is a somewhat detailed packing list with a few notes to give anyone who needs that itemized list a few extra ideas.

tent setup for camping with our cub scouts


  • Tent (should come with stakes and guylines)
  • Plastic mallet (I keep this in my tent bag)
  • Tent footprint (this is a tarp to place beneath your tent to protect it from rocks, cactus, etc.)
  • Sleeping pad (unless you're okay with the ground) or air mattress (check the batteries on your pump -- we usually do not have electricity at camps. I've seen people use those cheap blow-up pool floats for their kids... they're quick, easy and if you pop a hole in them, no love lost as they're easily replaceable)
  • Cot (you won't want to use this in cold weather as the air circulating beneath you will make you colder)
  • Sleeping bags (with liners if it's chilly)
  • Extra blankets to keep in the car (just in case)
  • Pillow (though you can use your sweatshirt as a pillow as well to minimize your packing list)
  • One folding chair per person
  • Pop up shade
  • Folding table (though your cooler may work in a pinch)
  • Lantern / fuel
  • small dustpan and brush (I love having this in my tote to help clean up all the leaves, dirt and debris tracked into the tent)

I like to keep a small tackle box prepped with various items that someone always seems to need including:
  • Multi-tool or knife
  • Glow sticks
  • Batteries (for flashlight or headlamp)
  • Bandana
  • Duct tape (it fixes everything)
  • safety pins
  • Caribeeners
  • scissors
  • q-tips

  • Daypacks (to carry your gear for the day -- lightweight backpacks)
  • Headlamp (I find these are much better to use than flashlights because they keep your hands free)
  • canteen
  • Matches/lighter
  • Compass
  • Whistle
  • Sunglasses
  • Hammock
  • Rope

The best motto here is BE PREPARED. I always keep an extra change of clothing in a bag in the car WITH socks and shoes that we hope to just put away at home when we return. However, if there is a surprise downpour, a slip and fall in the mud or a spill, we are prepared. Happy kids = happy parents = great campout! Your weather forecast IS YOUR FRIEND. Be sure to check it the day before you pack and then check the morning before you leave.

  • long sleeved shirts (moisture wicking is great, flannel is great - these are great to protect from the sun, bugs and to take the morning chill off)
  • sun-shielding hat
  • Bandana (these are handy for just about everything including makeshift first-aid)
  • Close-toed shoes suited for the terrain (NO open toed shoes, flip flops or sandals)
  • Socks
  • Sleepwear
  • Rainwear (a poncho in the daypack can be a lifesaver!)
  • Weather appropriate change of clothes (could be cold weather / could be shorts)

  • toilet paper
  • sunscreen
  • chapstick
  • insect repellent
  • hand sanitizer 
  • First aid kit
  • Toothbrush/toiletry kit
  • Brush/comb
  • Soap/washcloth (I like to take a small bar of soap OR cut up a large bar of soap into quarters and put it in a zip loc bag with the soap. Use that to wash your face, wring it out and put it back in the ziploc.
  • Deodorant (please! ha!)

  • Camp stove with windscreen
  • fuel
  • matches/lighter
  • S'mores fixins
  • charcoal or firewood (you MUST pack your own firewood at most scout camps)
  • Cooking gear (pans, pots, hotpads, coffee pot)
  • Bottle opener
  • Can opener
  • Roasting sticks for marshmallows
  • aluminum foil
  • trash bags
  • Cooler
  • Dutch oven
  • Ice (if you freeze jugs of water, you can use them both as a coolant and also as a way to keep your food cold). You can keep food packed on ice dry by placing cookie cooling racks on top of it and then setting items that can't get wet on top of those.
  • mess kit (plate, bowl, fork/knife/spoon)
  • Mug/Cups
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Serving utensils, whisk, spatula
  • Cutting board
  • Three tubs for proper sanitation along with bleach, biodegradable soap, scrub brush
  • Large water jug - filled with water and ice to last you a couple of days (they will have water stations but nothing ever tastes as good as water from home)
  • Paper towels
  • Ziploc bags
  • Tongs

  • Fishing gear (and license if over age of 17)
  • solar phone charger
  • binoculars
  • maps/guidebooks/local bird or wildlife field guide
  • books
  • decks of cards
  • frisbee
  • walkie talkies
  • umbrella
  • balls (soccer, football -- nerf is best, baseball/glove)
  • Hacky sack
  • Kite
  • geocaching kit with receiver
  • portable fan with batteries (yes, yes I have used this and NO, I'm not ashamed)

There are some fun websites out there with camping hacks that are super cool. Check those out HERE, HERE and HERE

The Fall Registration Form can be found HERE.  This is required for anyone attending.

Registration fees are $15 per youth, $20 per adult. Payments can be made via cash, check payable to PACK 1910 or PayPal. Deadline for turning in forms is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30.  
There is a place on the form where you indicate if you are camping Friday night, Saturday night or if you're just attending for the Pack activities on Saturday. Please mark this. Once we have an idea of attendees, we will make and publish the menu.  Friday night dinner will be on your own. 

Camping for Cubs-page-001Again, please note that camping out Friday night is completely optional but many families enjoy the extra night in the fall air. Many, however, do come in Saturday morning after breakfast. Whatever works for your family! Just get them there!! Because, let's face it -- camping is a HUGE reason why boys WANT to be in Scouts!

When the BSA realigned the program for Cub Scouts, they made being outdoors an integral part of advancement.  Thus, camping is a required component for earning your Wolf, Bear and Arrow of Light.  Want to know what is required for those ranks?  Click the Camping for Cub Scouts image to see.  

All Pack 1910 camp outs are family friendly events so the whole family is welcome! Mark your calendars NOW to attend!

Completed BSA Health Forms Part A & B are required for all parties attending. If you haven't turned yours in yet, please turn those in with your registration.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Pack 1910 Hit The Trail!

On a somewhat humid September morning, 12 members of Pack 1910 and their families headed out of the parking lot along a wooded path of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge located along the west fork of the Trinity River near Lake Worth.

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It was a perfect day for a hike took us through open prairie and wooded area. We started at the Hardwicke Interpretive Center, walked along the Prairie Trail and merged with the Oak Motte Trail. 

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Since the Oak Motte Trail is diverse with grasslands and wooded areas, a variety of flora and fauna awaited us.  In the prairie areas, many species of grasses are found, including Little Bluestem, Yellow Indiangrass and more. Proceeding on the trail takes you through wooded areas with spiny trees such as the Hercule’s Club, Honey Mesquite and Honeylocust. Trees adapted to the Cross Timbers habitat, such as Blackjack Oak, Cedar Elm and Western Soapberry can be found as we traversed this trail.

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Hiding among the many trees and the grasses are all forms of wildlife. Deer were spotted on the way in, though being the first hike and it being a bit of a noisy bunch, we didn't spot much else.  

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However, during spring and fall migration, migrants such as warblers, orioles and others take advantage of this trail to refuel with food, rest and relax during their long flights.  Maybe we can come back!

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As you may know, Pack 1910 goes hiking almost every month.  These fun outings are an integral part of our program.  We created this program because we wanted to get the boys outdoors more.  That being said, there are incentives to participation -- patches (which they are THRILLED about), a hiking stick and more!  

However, besides providing enjoyment and rewards, the program helps boys become confident and comfortable outdoors and encourages healthy habits and lifestyles.  It also helps makes the transition to Boy Scouting activities easier. 

So, what do we do with the little guys?  I mean, we have LIONS now!  Guess what -- they went today and THEY LOVED IT!  They loved all 3.5 MILES of it!
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Hiking helps them learn to be prepared.  Before each hike Pack leaders are going over the buddy system, exposure to Leave No Trace credentials and a review of the Outdoor Code are all part of the program.  

Couldn't make it this month?  Join us next month!