The Memorial Day Ceremony at Mt. Gilead has been canceled. We just can't catch a break this year!
While many Americans will celebrate Memorial Day with hot dogs, hamburgers and a day off... let us not forget what this day is really all about. Memorial Day is not about 20% off sales and lounging by the pool. Memorial Day is a day of honor and respect for our fallen... and sometimes forgotten.
Join Scouting families across the country in a spirited Summer of Service! As we have throughout our history, Scouting families are answering the call to work together in service of the greater good. From public health drives, to caring for the environment, to assisting neighbors in need, Scouts have always been a force for positivity and goodness in our communities. Now more than ever, our world needs that Scouting spirit once again. Let’s step up! Together, we can answer the call to make a positive impact in our neighborhoods and communities.
It’s part of our Oath and Law to “help other people at all times” and to be helpful, courteous, and kind. This summer, let’s be helpful and kind through service, with a focus on our environment!
Pack 1910 will concentrate our Summer of Service efforts on the Keller Bear Creek Park System.
Throughout the summer we will have several opportunities for your scout to impact the trails and parks that we all enjoy right here in our local Community.
Trash Trek: June 26th and June 27th
We will pick up trash along the trail system and any of the parks along the way. Our goal is to keep the Keller parks beautiful and trash free!
Purify the Playgrounds: July 17th
Grab the Lysol Spray and Disinfecting Wipes and help us sanitize the play equipment! We will make sure the playground is clean and safe for all to enjoy!
Artful Advancement: August 1st
We will contribute painted rocks to the Keller Rock Art Trail. We can paint nature themed rocks, conservation hints, our outdoor code, or just information about Pack 1910!
Be on the lookout for more information about each of these upcoming events. All scouts that participate can earn a Summer of Scouting Certificate and Patch!
Scoutbook is being updated with these events and they have been added to the Pack's printable calendar located HERE.
Due to the unpredictable, ever-changing forecast, we are changing our meeting venue from the church parking lot to CABELAS!
See you guys at 6:30pm. We will allow a little extra time to ensure our Pack family has time to arrive and get upstairs to the second floor meeting space.
Write a one-page report titled “The Best Book I Read This Year” and enter it in the Boys’ Life 2021 “Say Yes to Reading!” contest.
Everyone should have received the email from Cubmaster Ford that our bridging and graduation originally scheduled for today has been postponed due to the weather.
The culmination and celebration of a year of hard work is something Pack 1910 leaders and scouts look forward to each year. Our annual bridging celebration is definitely one of our most anticipated events. Can you believe it is THIS SUNDAY?! Everyone should have all their achievement recorded in Scoutbook (and email your leaders so they can approve) so that we can have everything prepared for your Scouts.
Click HERE to download your own personal copy of Pack 1910's hot-off-the-press 2021-2022 annual calendar.
This is our colorful, full-year single-page monthly calendar spanning June 1, 2021 - May 31, 2022. As always, dates and events are subject to change, but as it stands right now, this is your Scout planner for the year ahead.