We could not have asked for better weather for camping this weekend! A huge thank you to all of the help preparing meals, to Rory for teaching the cubs new songs for the campfire and to Troop 1910 for allowing us to be a part of their campfire program.
I hope everyone walked away with a new memory and an experience to cherish forever. Seeing how it takes a village to pull these off... BALOO training is how you can make these continue to happen!
If you snagged some pictures (and I know you did!), please share them with us! E-mail your favorite photos to our Pack's e-mail address (click and it will open an e-mail for you) and we will use them in the annual slide show. Our Scouts LOVE seeing their faces on the big screen and it's always so much fun to preserve these memories for the whole Pack.
Here are a few highlights!
Thank you all again for keeping the OUT in scOUTing! Weekends like this are what it's all about!
We had a great time at the campout. Thank you so much!