It's time again to get in gear for our Fall Family Camp out! Our Pack tradition is to attend the Fall Festival at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch located on Lake Bridgeport. It's a weekend campout that's packed full of fun! No experience is necessary! This is where you go learn the ropes!
The registration form and informational brochure can be found HERE (two pages, one needs to be filled out and turned in with payment). Please note, however, that you will turn the forms into APRIL DRIGGERS. DO NOT mail them or turn them into the Council office. We will register as a Pack to ensure that everyone is placed at the SAME CAMPSITE. Which, is kind of important if you want to camp with your buddies.
Registration fees are $22 per youth, $10 per adult. Payments can be made via check payable to LONGHORN COUNCIL. Deadline for turning in forms to April is MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 8pm. If they are not at April's by 8pm, you will need to be responsible for registering your family and the youth price increases to $27. Late registrations will need to be taken down to the Council office and turned in with payment.
There is a place on the form where you indicate if you are camping Friday night, Saturday night or if you're just attending for the day's events. Please mark this. Once we have an idea of attendees, we will decide as a Pack what we will do for meals Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. Friday night dinner will be on your own. Dinner on Saturday evening and a continental breakfast Sunday is included with your registration fee, lunch is not.
This is a great opportunity, especially for our newer scouts to get their hands dirty and to spend some time on the ranges shooting archery and bb guns. They will have an area set up for pumpkin carving and there may be a trebuchet (big catapult) set up to do some punkin' chunkin' as well! We will go over this more as it gets closer to the date. They're not there every weekend but we can hope, right?! Here is a picture of one of them from a previous campout.
Other activities include: crafts, games, bounce house, leather work, and much more!
We will be attending the weekend of October 16-18 at SR2 (that is short for Sid Richardson Scout Ranch, SRSR so SR2, get it?) Our Webelos II will be camping out with Boy Scout Troop 1910 at a different area of Sid Richardson as part of their Arrow of Light requirement. So the majority of families on this campout will be Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos I.
Again, please note that camping out Friday night is completely optional but many families enjoy the extra night in the fall air. Many, however, do come in Saturday morning after breakfast. Whatever works for your family! Just get them there!! Because, let's face it -- camping is a HUGE reason why boys WANT to be in Scouts!
All Pack 1910 camp outs are family friendly events so the whole family is welcome! Mark your calendars NOW to attend!
Completed BSA Health forms are required for all parties attending. If you haven't turned yours in yet, please complete Part A & B and turn those into April with your registration.
Maps and Directions:
A map of Sid Richardson can be found HERE. Please note this is a LARGE file but it helps to show the expanse of Sid and the area the Pack will be camping in relation to the entire property. We will be camping in the NW part of the property. A detailed map of that specific site is HERE. I do not have our Pack's physical camp assignment yet, obviously.