Thursday, October 12, 2017

Jug-O-Lantern Contest

Milk does a body good!  So, chug-a-lug on the moo juice then rinse and dry out the milk jug.  Grab a sharpie or some acrylic paint and let your Cub Scout decorate a jug-o-lantern to bring to our Halloween Pack Meeting this month!

Be sure to cut a small slit along the back near the handle to insert either a headlamp, a battery-operated votive or even a few glow sticks (whatever you want to bring to put inside to make it glow).  We will be lining the walkway with these outside and will let the boys judge. 

While it's fun to help out because crisp lines and symmetry certainly make me happy, let's remember that this is for THEM.  Please allow your Cub the opportunity to take full artistic freedom with this project and let his creativity shine!  We do, however, want YOU to use the scissors or knife when cutting the insert for the light source unless your Scout has his Whittling Chip and can do this under your supervision.  (If you don't know what a Whittling Chip is, it's safe to assume that your Scout doesn't have one so you get to cut!)

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